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Christian Mediators Forum

Peace • Love • Unity

About Us

Christian Mediators Forum (CMF) is a faith based organization that seeks to fulfil the mandate of our savior Jesus during his earthly ministry which was to bring mediation and reconciliation between divinity and humanity (1 Timothy 2:5; Gal. 3:20; Heb. 8:6; 2Cor. 5:19; Romans 11:15). CMF will exist to achieve the same aim by creating a forum to support and equip volunteers and practitioners in faith based groups to discharge their duties with appropriate standards.

Operational Areas


Create a forum to discuss trending conflicts and offer training to equip practitioners.


Offer practitioners an opportunity to encourage and support each other through social interactions.

Advocacy Service

To speak for and support vulnerable victims of conflicts.

Volunteers (Peace Pillars)

We also offer opportunity to individuals who can support and encourage victims of conflicts in the community (which can go by name: Peace Pillars or Peace Workers)